Just as much Mannix & 30 minutes more!
YouTube became the big name in online video the way Facebook & Twitter did in social networking. People talk like their the only names in the game even though they had numerous competitors. Many of the competitors even offered betters services than the big brand names. Take
Daily Motion for instance.
Daily Motion is a video upload site like YouTube. In terms of video quality, video player embeds, etc they're very much the same. However there is one big difference: Daily Motion will let you upload as much as 45 minutes on a free account! Meanwhile YouTube keeps it strictly within 15 for free-riders. YouTube also makes you watch an annoying instructional video every time there's a copyright violation, yet 1/3 of YouTube looks like some kind of copyright violation - if you count all those complete episodes of Mannix that keep getting posted. Just to keep it straight though Daily Motion is largely original content, just the way that YouTube is.
The Daily Nut Shot - America's Funniest Home Videos meets 1000 Ways to Die
For the harder grittier edge of online video posting try
LiveLeak. Liveleak, and not livelinks which was the video dating sex talk service that Canadian actress Evangeline Lilly used to advertise for back in Vancouver before she broke big on LOST, is the FOX TV When Cars Collide of video uploading posting sites. They have lost of surveillance type video of robberies, cars crashes, guys on drugs, public freak outs, and various other kind of mayhem.
Anyone remember when Evangeline Lilly was a hot local single who didn't care who she talked to? |
For instance a visit to Liveleaks front page offers, and without having to scroll down, an view of the Southwest Airlines B737 crash caught from the inside via iPhone by a passenger.
You might find some of it a little outrageous
There are also shots of police killing gunmen, drunk girls beating up couples, Russians flipping police cars, kangaroos fighting back, and drunks on treadmills. I'm not sure what drunks are doing on treadmills since exercise and alcoholism don't usually go together so it can't be what it seems. Perhaps they got disoriented and keep trying to reach an imaginary bar. So not only are they hallucinating but they're stuck in place, which makes they're situation doubly complicated!
It's real, raw video that always takes you a little bit by surprise even when you think that you know what to expect. Plus the video quality is above amateur since most of it is police or security surveillance shot from steady, hi mounted CCTV. So if video killed the radio star, Liveleaks stuffed the body into the truck and left the car abandoned at the end of your street. Still theirs some great content if your doing a tabloid type blog or website. There's also real stories and footage from local stations around the world.