Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Advice for the unfortunate - How To Put on a Condom - VIDEO

The Internet is a great thing. That's because everything you always wanted to know but were afraid to ask is out there some where. It's often information on simple common sense little things that everyone knows unless no one told you or you've never been in the situation before. Like how to make delicious butterscotch - which might be christened "bettersctoch", or talk sensibly about Catherine Zeta Jones & Michael Douglas' marriage. If you don't know these things then you're 'out of the loop', and everyone either snickers at you and decides you're fair game for peer teasing, or they role their eyes back up in their heads while sighing loudly. It's a "how can you not know this" type of gesture that really means "And now do I have to go to the trouble of explaining it to you?"

Now when it comes to sex it gets especially touchy. Now imagine you were some kind of late bloomer who pent your informatively years in a religious cult. For the sake of argument let's say it's one of those groups that thinks that everything is bad and especially if it's stuff that everyone else does - dancing in bars, occasional alcohol consumption, listening to FM radio, playing the lottery, and especially lust! Lust is a no no unless the pressure backs up to far and you have some kind of psychotic split in which the religious figure of your choice tells you to go ahead and do it - often with unfortunate consequences. We can't all breeze of to sex rehab like highly paid celebrities!

These cult type groups can have lasting effects on some of their former adherents partially through their tendency to throw normal progress out of whack. At an age when other kids are stealing, experimenting white drugs & fringe behavior, and other rites of passage (testing the boundaries or something) - the religious type is probably off in some room listening to a sermon, thinking it's a same that other people feel the need to enjoy themselves "What get's into them? Why do they do it?", or perhaps jerking and twitching uncontrollably and on the verge of a total mental breakdown - "Maybe the Rapture already happened and I missed because I was masturbating at the time and got left behind?!!"

The result is that recovering culties didn't get out much. So they can come off as a little bit autistic as they struggle to talk about sports, pick up a girl, or guy, and try not to socially embarrass themselves while out among other people. Poor souls have missed so much they have a lot to catch up to. Naturally you can't just blurt things out like a 40 Yearl Old Virgin on his first time timidly asking his partner which hole is goes into. So it helps to have a Dummies Guide. That way you can go into new situations already prepared. Then yo won't come off looking too bad.

In this case the following short and informative video explains, to the uninitiated and to those just looking for cheap laughs - how to put on a condom. Now you'd think it was self explanatory. Unless it's your first time unsheathing these things after a long and sheltered life. Then there might be a few things that need explaining like "Does it matter which side faces out?", "Do you role it all the way down", and "What happens if it's not still on when you're finished, should you go in looking for it?" The usual embarrassing little questions that make you less of a 007 and more of a Mister Furley in front of a potential sexual partner. So if you're a bit off and need some help, and can't depend on an understanding partner - then just watch this, and be amazed!

So now that you know - use it wisely!

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