Friday, 2 August 2013

Journeys From Beyond Earth - UFO Documentary

Conspiracy Culture

Conspiracy theories & the paranormal have been a big growth field in the past ten years. That's probably because no one knew what the hell was going on. When there are more questions than answer, and insufficient information to work with, then the mind fills in the rest in the form of speculation & conjecture. The more gaps there are in the picture the more the mind fills in. Besides America has a long history with conspiracies & the paranormal. Whether or not you take these things seriously, they have become so culturally relevant that it might be worthwhile to acquaint yourselves with some of the ideas. At least so that when some one talks about seeing grey's or having missing time, you won't be blindsided.

Luckily for Lucy

However conspiracy theories have dated back well before 911. Prior to WW2 America feared infiltration byt he dreaded 5th Column.After the Nazis were defeated America focused it's fear on The Red Menace. So people were still looking for invisible enemies hidden among them. That lead to the Cold War Witch Hunts that almost claimed Lucille Ball. If you'll recall her uncle was a card carrying communist. So she had to go up before the McCarthy hearings to answer for it. Luckily she had Desi to defend her. He assured the court that the only thing red about Lucy was her hair, and even that was dyed red from its' natural blonde. Luckily for Lucy common sense prevailed and she was allowed to continue entertaining America. Had things worked out differently there would've been no Star Trek today - since the series was by Arnez & Ball's Desilu productions..So it was a real close call!

Cold War Space Race & UFO movement

The whole UFO movement started around that time. It was WW2 and people were just started to get the impact technology could have on their lives. Even if they were still many generations away from the Tony Stark Ironman suit. By the time the world got to the Cold War the Space Race had become the psychic counterpoint to nuclear terror. People were combing the skies with binoculars looking for incoming Russian bombers. When that many people are looking up some of them are gonna start seeing things, & the modern UFO phenomenon began.

entire UFO TV series on movies & stuff youtube.

I heard it through the grapevine. At least they told me they were the grapevine.

With our collective minds open wide shut we were now ready for whole new paradigm shifts. Supermarket tabloids like the dear old beloved Weekly Word News inundated the general public with stories of Bigfoot, in additions to alien abductions. Add the Kennedy assignations, Watergate (with Richard M. Nixon becoming a personification of paranoia) and the Hoffa disappearance ( the Houdini Whodunit) to it and people's credibility limits were stretching to new extremes. Whether or not anything really is possible, whole new possibilities were being entertained, & many of them were entertaining.

Mae Brussell archive @ ConspiracyScope @ youtube

More of the same? That's progress for you.

Now conspiracies & the paranormal have come a long way. Just the way vampire soap operas have come along way since Dark Shadows, up to the current Twilight, True Blood, & the Vampire Diaries. Conspiracy today lives in a world of free masonic sex cults using artificial telepathy to drive homeless people mad and turn celebrities into over sexed drug addicts. Both have so much in common, like fits of public masturbation, that you had to suspect there was some kind of link between celebs & the homeless. However the leading edge conspiracy theorists, like David Icke, give too much for the uninitiated to handle. You can't process it with your normal brain as Charlie Sheen says. So it's better to start with getting your feet wet if you decide to play catch up.

Warp & fold a story told

The following video, called Journey's From Beyond The Earth UFO, will acquaint you with some of the more basic paranormal and conspiracy type theories. It touches on subjects like the hollow earth (is our planet really a Dyson sphere which, like Doctor Who's tardis, is larger on the inside than the out because it houses a sun? UFO travel in and out of the north and south poles because the Dyson sphere harnesses it's captive sun's energy to warp and fold space into a three way intersection where travels can enter and exit from Point A and Point C, with Earth as the crossroads),  Bigfoot, and cryogenics (the art of turning a recently deceased person into a human corpse-sicle through deep freezing in the hope that they can be thawed out and brought back one day). It ties everything together with a UFO alien visitation theme. So if you've never seen and episode of Ancient Aliens (Megan Fox's favorite show I've read), and don't know who the guy with the hair is, then this little video might be good place to start.  So quit feeling left out of conversations, take 93 minutes, and inform yourself!

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